Company Strategy
- strategically develop in healthcare and renewable energy industries
- build up both core operation platform and service provider brands
- acquire high quality brands, link China market with overseas, build up the whole industry link
- develop both heavy-asset projects and light-asset business

Management Team
Executive Directors
Mr. Ji Changqun
Executive Director, CEO and the Chairman of the Board of Directors ⥯
- Responsible for the Group’s strategic control, operation management, organization development and investment and financing management
- Postgraduate diploma in management science and engineering, Southeast University, PRC
- Master’s degree in business administration, Macau University of Science and Technology
- Senior engineer and senior economist, PRC
- Chairman, Anhui Chamber of Commerce of Jiangsu Province, PRC
- Honorary chairman of the board, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, PRC
- Dean of Fullshare Health College, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, PRC
- Honorary chairman, Singapore Chinese Medicine College
Ms. Du Wei
Executive Director ⥯
- Responsible for assisting the chief executive officer of the Company with the functional management and strategic planning relating to human resources of the Group and hosting general meetings and board meetings of the Company
- Master of business administration, Nanjing Normal University, PRC
- Bachelor of tourism management, Nanjing Normal University, PRC
- General manager, Fullshare Holdings (Singapore) Service Management Pte Ltd
Mr. Shen Chen
Executive Director and Financial Controller ⥯
- Responsible for the financial reporting and financial management of the Group and participates in investment decisions
- Bachelor of economic management degree, Correspondence Institute of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, PRC
- PRC senior accountant
- was the financial controller of Nanjing JoyMain Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.
- was the vice president of Jiangsu Ruiheng Asset Management Co., Ltd.
- was the financial controller of Fullshare Technology Group Limited
- was the financial controller of Fullshare Green Building Group Company Limited
- was the financial controller of Nanjing Fullshare Energy Science & Technology Company Limited
Mr. Ge Jinzhu
Executive Director and Assistant to Chief Executive Officer ⥯
- Responsible for assisting the chief executive officer of the Company with the designated projects, and assisting in functional management, including internal control related duties
- Bachelor of management degree, majoring in accounting, Xi’an University of Technology, PRC
- Certified internal auditor, The Institute of Internal Auditors
- was the internal auditor of China Sunergy (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.
Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. Lau Chi Keung
Independent Non-executive Director ⥯
- “Justice of the Peace” issued by the Hong Kong government
- “Medal of Honour” issued by the Hong Kong government
- Higher diploma in surveying/building technology, Hong Kong Technical College (currently known as Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Former independent non-executive director, Applied Development Holdings Limited (HKEx stock code: 519)
- Former director of Henderson China Development Limited
- Former director of Henderson Investment Limited
- Was a member of the Construction Industry Training Authority, HK
- Was a member of the Disciplinary Panel, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
- Was a member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel of Planning and Lands Branch, Development Bureau of Government Secretariat, HK
- Was a member of the Administrative Appeals Board, HK
- Fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, UK
Mr. Tsang Sai Chung
Independent Non-executive Director ⥯
- Completed PCLL programme, University of Hong Kong
- Bachelor of arts degree, University of Hong Kong
- Former executive director, general counsel and company secretary, HKC (Holdings) Limited (a company formerly listed on the main board of HKEx)
- Former general counsel and company secretary, Sa Sa International Holdings Limited (HKEx stock code: 178)
- Former general counsel and company secretary, Pacific Century Premium Developments Limited (HKEx stock code: 432)
- Was an associate of Baker & McKenzie
Mr. Huang Shun
Independent Non-executive Director ⥯
- Bachelor’s degree in economic management, Nanjing University, PRC
- Bachelor’s degree in law, Nanjing University, PRC
- was the project manager of Nanjing Yongda Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.
- Chairman and chief accountant of Jiangsu Verti-Hor Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.
- Former independent non-executive director, Huitongda Network Co., Ltd. (HKEx stock code:9878)
- Member, CICPA
Senior Management
Mr. Shi Zhiqiang
Vice President ⥯
- Responsible for assisting the chief executive officer of the Company with the special investment of the Group and other designated projects
- PRC accountant and international certified internal auditor
- Was the financial controller of Jiangsu Zhongda Communication Industry Co., Limited
- Former executive director of the Company from November 2013 to July 2018
Mr. Wang Bo
Vice President ⥯
- Responsible for investment, operation and management of education segment of the Group, and other designated projects
- Juris doctor degree, Duke University, USA
- Master of laws degree, Nanjing University, PRC
- Bachelor of laws degree, Nanjing Economic College (currently known as Nanjing University of Finance and Economics), PRC
- Former advisor, the board of Pok Oi Hospital, HK
- Former director of the board of Pok Oi Hospital, HK
- Former executive director of the Company from September 2014 to October 2019
- Former chairman of the board and non-executive director of Applied Development Holdings Limited (HKEx stock code: 519)
- Was a senior associate in King & Wood Mallesons
- Was a manager of Legal Department of DBS Bank (China) Limited Shanghai Branch
Mr. Zhou Fei
Assistant to Chief Executive Officer ⥯
- Responsible for the legal management of the Company
- Master of laws degree, University of Connecticut, USA
- Bachelor of laws degree, Southeast University, PRC
- Qualified lawyer in the State of New York, USA
- Qualified Lawyer of PRC
- Was an associate of the capital markets group in the Shanghai office of Baker & McKenzie
Ms. Seto Ying
Company Secretary ⥯
- Responsible for the information disclosure management, investor relations and company secretarial matters of the Group
- Bachelor’s degree in business administration (accountancy), Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Fellow member, ACCA, UK
- Member, HKICPA
- Member, HKCGI
- Member, CGI, UK
- Worked in an international accounting firm